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Description Adding additional Serialized (Individual) Rental Items Solution The following describes the steps to add additional serialized items. Go to File Maintenance Fixed Assets File Maintenance Equipment Inquiry Press [ESC] or [F10] one time Press [F5] to Add a new record.\ Now add your equipment from this screen.
May 21, 2020
Alert tracks rental equipment in Rental Groups Rental Classes and Fixed Assets. Rental Groups are categories of equipment that are similar in function but are not interchangeable (e.g. Tables Earthmoving Equipment etc.) Rental Classes group together like items that can be interchanged and rent for the same cost (e.g. 8′ Table Skidsteer Loader etc.). Fixed Assets […]
Description No Description Listed Solution TRACKING “JUNKED” EQUIPMENT: When junking equipment, it is a good idea to write a contract to your own store using the (S)ale of Fixed Asset feature at the counter, to sell all your junked items to yourself at a price of $0.00. This serves two purposes: 1) You now […]
Description What the various entries in the GL Acct Revenue Source Association file do. Solution See attached file
Description No Description Listed Solution ADDING FIXED ASSETS TO ALERT EasyPro KathyFeder If you are wondering how to add that new piece of equipment you purchased into inventory you are not alone. Adding rental items into the fleet is a very common question at the CCG’s Help Desk. So Just a reminder? There are three […]
Go into the Sales File Maintenance and call up the item you want to add the barcode to. · Select the F4 Common Name field. · Select F5 Add to add a new line. · Press Enter to accept the Seq (sequence) number · Scan in the barcode or manually enter the barcode value · […]
Description We would like to clean up the Sales item data base change. What problems will we encounter? I know we can delete a sales item but how does this effect Life to Date $ and or turns? Solution When you discontinue selling an item there are several steps you can take to stop it […]
On the console log into as root (normal password is ims01 ) At the # prompt type: lynx localhost:631 [or links http://localhost:631] This will bring you into CUPS. Arrow down to select “Manage printers“. This will bring you to a screen that lists each printer queue with a bunch of options for each printer name below. […]
There are two ways to reboot a Red Hat Linux server: 1) On the server itself log in as root At the # prompt enter shutdown -h now 2) Log into the client software on any workstation as root Select the Operator Menu application Select the Shutdown System option In either […]
Adjusting System Date / Time: Windows Servers: Set through the control panel on your Windows server Linux Servers: These should be kept correct by connection to off-site time servers. If it is incorrect use the first option below for Unix servers. Unix Servers: To Adjust the Software Clock: Log into an Alert icon as ‘root’ […]
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