We at Alert Management Systems have always known that we have the best rental industry clients in the world; now we have proof!  Hurricane season is in full force and has tragically devastated areas across the US and Caribbean.  We are honored to be partners with several equipment rental businesses who have stepped in to help.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, which hit the Houston area, we noticed many of our clients pitching in to lend a hand to the community.  Specifically, Any Occasion Tents & Events and sister company Aztec Rental Centers gave roll-away beds away to those who needed them.  They deployed trucks full of water and other supplies to assist first responders, and quietly helped their displaced staff.  One of their staff members created and sold “Texas Strong” decals to raise money for a local school staff who lost everything.  When the companies opened back up, it wasn’t “business as usual.” It was “Call us with any needs – we have large box trucks available for deliveries of donations. Tables, chairs, tents, grills, etc.”

Irma stormed through the Caribbean prior to slamming Florida.  Alert clients in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands, have gone above and beyond for their community – including their brothers and sisters on the harder-hit islands of St. Thomas and St. John.  Richard and Lisa Mackay of the rental business Reliable Rentals have been assisting local relief agencies with recovery and rescue efforts, and they’ve also been helping another Alert client in distress. The Mackays loaded up one of their own laptops with Alert, and we put Allied Rental Center’s data on it, since Allied is without access to any of their systems. It’s going to be shipped on a boat from St. Croix to St. Thomas, and Allied will be back in business so they can assist their community with cleanup efforts.

Finally, Alert EasyPro software users across the country have been assisting with efforts in any way they can. We’ve had inquiries from our users about the status of their peers in hard-hit areas, asking how to help.  Richard and Lisa from Reliable Rentals in St. Croix have recommended two absolutely wonderful charities that you can donate to and make a difference.  A local group started by an islander and run by volunteers is making an ENORMOUS difference, can be reached here: https://www.gofundme.com/irma-relief-for-our-sister-islands.  Tim Duncan’s fund is here https://www.youcaring.com/21usvirginislandrelieffund-942738 and the organization is doing a lot for the islands. The American Rental Association Foundation has links to relief efforts here: http://www.arafoundation.com/Harvey-Relief.

We at Alert Management Systems are here for our clients 24/7 – if you ever find yourselves in need of our services during an emergency, please contact Alert Management Systems and we’ll round up whatever we need to do to serve you. We couldn’t be more proud to be in business with these wonderful equipment rental businesses, and many more who have quietly been serving their communities.